What makes a great financial advisor for you?
How does one become a reputable, trusted financial advisor? As I sit here penning Jurnex’s first blog post, I think back to moments when friends and family needed help. And perhaps even times when I myself needed help. Every time, it has been something about relationships or something about money. Often both.
“The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear”
This post is titled DAY ONE. It represents the direction and unshakable principals that Jurnex will follow from its very first day and for every day after. That’s because we want to help. To be there for our customers, associates and friends in times of need. And that is the way we will build our reputation.
Our business will certainly evolve with the passage of time. But there are three principals that will always be constant.
- Care
Because no matter how much we grow, we will always treat our business as if we were starting from DAY ONE.

Join us on our journey as a trusted financial advisor
1. Building Trust
Everyone deserves someone to talk to who they can trust. And we at Jurnex will endeavor to be that trusted advisor.
This principal comes from the story of my own life. Fifteen years ago, my mother walked out on my father. She had enough. My father wasn’t a malicious man, but years of neglect had put an incredible strain on our family.
At first, my mother felt alone. Unsure what to do next. Should she go back to work? Proceed with a divorce? Get back with her husband? She just wasn’t sure. But then family came to her aid in the form of financial support and advice. My siblings and I were also there. And it worked. She eventually found her direction in life. And ever since seeing my mother go through her separation, I have seen the importance of having that trusted support.
Jurnex will be built on this principal. We will endeavor to be that trusted financial advisor in your times of your greatest need.
2. Care for the customer
Care is the second principal Jurnex will be built upon. We will look to care for the customer and for the things he or she holds dear.
Many advisors primarily care about their own business. They will look to their list of products and see which ones the clients will accept. We are not like that. Rather, we look to first listen and learn from our clients. Only after having a true understanding will we look for the right solutions.
The image of a “sounding board” is a powerful one. In the days before microphones, a sounding board originally referred to the resonating board placed above a pulpit or musical instrument to amplify sound. In the modern sense, a sounding board can be a friend you to talk to. To have your voice, however quiet or unsure, to be amplified and returned to you.
That is how we will care for the customer. We will first listen to the customer to understand what he or she needs. We will then carefully consider the facts and possible outcomes. Only once we have understood our client will we look for the right solution.
Our care for the customer will also drive our company’s evolution into a highly reputable full-service financial management firm.
Today, we are a financial advisory and wealth management service. To better care for our customers, we must one day become a full-service financial management company. We will provide end-to-end service to help our customers manage their finances. Whatever the customer requires so that he or she can get on with what matters most to them and their lives. Money, after all, is an asset. Let’s start treating it that way.
3. Building Excellence
The third principal Jurnex is built on is excellence. We will strive to bring our customers the very best version of ourselves in everything we do.
This is the start of an exciting journey for us. They say a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. In our case, we’ve found that we’ve already been walking for many years. It’s only now that we’re expanding to offer advisory services to those beyond our immediate circle of friends and family
We’ve learned a lot from our clients, just as they’ve learned much from us. And though we are optimistic about our journey, we will remain vigilant. We recognize that our company faces many challenges to maintain our high standards of excellence.
Our first challenge is to stand up against the long and deep history of traditional financial advisory firms. These are folks who wine and dine clients. These are massive firms who excel at marketing. But they have given the entire financial advisory industry a terrible reputation. They often provide subpar cookie-cutter advice, eating up fees for mediocre service. There will always be a temptation to stoop to their level.
But we will ignore this siren’s call. We will never sacrifice the quality of our work to gain customers, no matter what our competitors may do. This is a personal promise from me to you.
Our challenge is to show clients that we are different. That we are an independent advisory firm that takes our client issues to a personal level. That we will be there to provide high-quality advice when our clients need it most.
The second challenge to contend with is ourselves. The enemy here is complacency. I have seen firms start with good meaning, but then become lazy over time as they grow. To combat complacency, we will be unrelenting in earning and re-earning your trust. We will provide you exceptional service that will delight you, going beyond a financial advisor’s expected line of duty. Every conversation we have, every financial plan, every investment.
This level of attention takes work. And this is work that we will gladly do because it is worth it.
Day One
So here we are. Day One of our journey to building a reputable and trusted financial advisor firm. To do this, we will focus on you not just as a client, but as a friend and peer. We will be unrelenting in earning and re-earning your trust by providing service that goes beyond a financial advisor’s expected line of duty. And we will do it with YOU as our top priority.
This is early days for us. But with your help and a lot of dedication, I know we will make it.